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Monday, October 27, 2014

Remove Shortcut virus without using CMD

Hello everybody.
Today i am going to learn you about something cool. In this day you will learn How to Remove Shortcut virus using Software without any Hassel.
Ok no more talking lets get started.

1. First of all you have to download a software. This soft is only 1.2Mb size. so dont get panic.
Here is the download link  . Dont worry its a Mediafire link.

2. After completing your download you have to Double click on the software.
3. Then a Prompt will be open and you have to click on "Run"
4. After that You will get the full window of the software.
5. Now you can click on "Deletion" and wait for the Shortcut virus detection .
6. Now You can delete your shortcut virus easily.

You can also remove the Shortcut virus by CMD but by this software you will be able to delete the shortcut so quickly and with no hassel or wasting time.

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