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Monday, October 27, 2014

Remove Shortcut virus without using CMD

Hello everybody.
Today i am going to learn you about something cool. In this day you will learn How to Remove Shortcut virus using Software without any Hassel.
Ok no more talking lets get started.

1. First of all you have to download a software. This soft is only 1.2Mb size. so dont get panic.
Here is the download link  . Dont worry its a Mediafire link.

2. After completing your download you have to Double click on the software.
3. Then a Prompt will be open and you have to click on "Run"
4. After that You will get the full window of the software.
5. Now you can click on "Deletion" and wait for the Shortcut virus detection .
6. Now You can delete your shortcut virus easily.

You can also remove the Shortcut virus by CMD but by this software you will be able to delete the shortcut so quickly and with no hassel or wasting time.

If you Like this post then comment or if you are facing any problem please comment or if you have any better idea or better application please comment.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

X-Phone review: iphone 6 review

X-Phone review: iphone 6 full specification:

We know apple is a heart-throb product for everybody. We like this company for is unique technology in advanced. As the flow Apple Officially announced to release their latest Iphone 6.

Recently there are many rumors about Iphone 6 but the original Iphone 6 features that I am going to write here. In apple latest phone they will resize their screen size, battery long life, new data transfer technology, fingerprint, leaser technology and with high pix camera . 

Chase: iOS 7 or 8 {they can upgrade their operating system or stay on existing system}
5 x 3.24 x 1.3 inches in dimensions  

Display:46.3 inches will be the physical look . 1000 x 1700 pix resolution 100 clicks standby touch screen. High light sensor , standard proximity sensor and of course scratch resistance glass so that screen will be always shiny

See more 

tags: iphone 6, iphone review, iphone 6 review, iphone 6 updates, iphone 6 news, iphone 6 details, iphone 6 release date

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Make your pendrive bootable using CMD
bootable pendrive
Just follow this steps to create your pendrive bootable exploitation CMD command

 you simply got to follow these easy steps:

 beginning is to get the windows files from somewhere and save them to a folder in your computer. you'll be able to rip a windows optical disc , or if you have got the iso image file you'll be able to open it with magic disc or daemon tools or perhaps winrar , and you would like to repeat the total content to a folder anyplace in your computer , you simply got to make certain you recognize wherever it's situated.
 make certain your usb stick is inserted, head to begin search cmd , right click the  file and choose run as administrator. The electronic communication can seem, currently you would like to put in writing the subsequent comands:
    diskpart→list disk→select disk 1(chose  the usb device, {you can|you'll|you may} acknowledge it by its size)→clean(this can erase the usb)→create partition primary→select partition 1→active→format fs=ntfs(this will format the usb drive and can take 10-15 minutes)→
 when the format is completed you have got to continue writting  in command promt :  →assign(now {you can|you'll|you may} notice that the usb drive modified its letter to (H): or (G))→exit(this command will exit the disk part function)
 currently you have got to put in writing the trail to the feasible go into your windows saved folder , make certain that in your windows folder you have got the boot folder with the bootsect feasible file.
    In my case the command goes like this:   E:→cd win seven sp1→

           →cd boot→bootsect.exe/nt60 h:(h is that the letter of the usb drive ,this comand can update the boot core)→exit (this can exit command prompt).

Now you have got to repeat all the files within the windows folder to your usb drive.

ALL DONE. you'll be able to currently restart your computer and boot from the usb drive.