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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Setup Your Own Home Server

Setup Your Own Home Server - Introduction

make your server

Setup Your Own Home Server - Introduction

An Introduction

In this tutorial you will learn how to step up your own server. This server will be comprised of Apache 1.3.5, PHP 4.2.0, and MySQL 3.23.49. This tutorial will address the basic setup of a

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Untold Windows Tips and Secrets



Untold Windows Tips and Secrets 

Windows Tips


Welcome to another Hacking Truths Manual. 

This time I have a collection of Tips and 

Tricks which no body normally knows, the 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Rapidshare hack!!!!! Free premium acount for all

 Rapidshare hack!!!!! Free premium acount for all

hi i got the encrypted message if you decode that message you get a link to register premium acount on rappit share but i dont have a decomipler for PKCS7 help me decode this message and we have all free premium acounts.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Modify .exe Files And Crack A Program

Modify .exe Files And Crack A Program

 1) Don't try to modify a prog by editing his source in a dissasembler.Why?
Couse that's for programmers and assembly experts only. If any of you dumb kids
try to view it in hex you'll only get tons of crap you don't understand.
First off, you need Resource Hacker(last version).It's a resource editor-
very easy to use.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

How To Setup Your Own Dns (Domain Name Server)

How To Setup Your Own Dns (Domain Name Server)

This is only a quick tutorial, there are literally hundreds of little tricks you can do with a DNS, but this will get your basics up and running. I'm assuming you want to setup a windows DNS server, but the principals will work for most servers.

You will need..

Saturday, February 21, 2015

how to search google for RAPIDSHARE links

how to search google for RAPIDSHARE links

If you wanna find some apps, files etc on via google, do the following.

Paste this into the google search window (not the adress bar):

Friday, February 20, 2015

How to modify *.exe files

 How to modify *.exe files

learn how to change *.exe files, in 5 easy steps:

1) Don't try to modify a prog by editing his source in a dissasembler.Why?
Cause that's for programmers and assembly experts only.